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To impart all rounded education that positively nurtures the human potential and the world.


To be a school which provides all means necessary and of high standards for physical, intellectual and social development of its members.


To be regarded as a center of excellence, learning, knowledge, innovation and art.


To provide Global schooling and opportunities to learn from different cultures.


To positively impact the community and lend a hand in building it


To provide opportunities for life long learning to any member of the society.


INTEGRITY - We stay true to ourselves, act honorable and find courage in our convictions. We encourage authenticity, originality and transparency and discourage all acts of hypocrisy and pretension.


FREEDOM – We embrace multiple perspectives which enrich our community. We provide a space to be, learn and grow. We strive to nurture the freedom of choice in learning and doing without in any way compromising the vigour and discipline of learning.


EMPATHY – We put ourselves in others place and interact with humility, respect and compassion.


EXCELLENCE - We pursue the highest standards through dedication and persistent effort. We discourage mediocrity, carelessness and negligence in thought, word and action.


REFLECTION - We cultivate an ongoing cycle of enquiry, reason and considered debate


INCLUSION – We encourage the principal of inclusion which will ensure fair opportunity and equal attention to all, without any discrimination whatsoever.

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