I would like to share my personal vision of Springdales School with you as it will thoroughly give you an insight into the energies and thoughts that drive the work in Springdales.
I imagine a school where each member (students and teachers alike) get a chance to discover their potentials. A place which moulds us into a magician i.e. the kind of person that charms and positively impacts everyone around them through spirit and work.
Where learning and work are done out of passion and compassion, and, inspiration is created through each one’s work.
Where we learn to face the toughest challenges that life throws at us.
Where we learn to lend a helping hand and develop a good-humored personality.
In time the school will provide all possible resources and tools in the most excellent form so that our members lack nothing as they undertake this exploratory journey.
A school together with its building, land, and members is a separate being. And it hopes to welcome, and, to give to everyone who enters its walls and even beyond.
In this journey, our only competition is with our imagination and our guidance is the original thought that is generated in the collective, forever loving, adventuring, reinventing soul of he school.
Our Best Always
Gourav Malhotra